
21 skills that will help you succeed

These 21 skills are so important, that they can help you succeed.

Communication Skills:

  1. Ability to sell and negotiate: Persuading others and reaching mutually beneficial agreements, is crucial in sales, business, and many interpersonal interactions where convincing and negotiating are essential.
  2. Ability to convey what you think and feel: Effective communication is important for building understanding and connection with others.
  3. Ability to master your thoughts: This refers to the skill of controlling and directing your own thoughts. It involves mindfulness, self-awareness, and the ability to manage and shape your mental processes.
  4. Ability to write words to persuade and influence others: Writing persuasively is a powerful skill, especially in fields like marketing, content creation, or any situation where written communication can sway opinions and decisions.
  5. Ability to shut up, listen, and learn from others: Active listening, being receptive to new ideas, and the humility to learn from others is important. 
  6. Ability to understand what others feel: Empathy is a crucial skill that involves understanding and sharing the feelings of others. It’s important for building strong relationships, and effective teamwork.
  7. Ability to speak in front of a large audience: Public speaking is a valuable skill for various situations, from presentations in professional settings to addressing large audiences. It also builds confidence.

Planning Skills:

  1. Ability to break a process down into smaller steps:
      Breaking down a complex task or process into smaller, more manageable steps. It involves analytical thinking and strategic planning, allowing you to approach challenges systematically.
    • Ability to adapt, improvise, and overcome obstacles:
        This skill underscores the importance of flexibility and resilience. It involves the capacity to adjust to changing circumstances, think on your feet, and find creative solutions when faced with unexpected challenges or obstacles.
      • Ability to read, understand, and memorize:
          This involves proficiency in absorbing and retaining information from written sources. Reading comprehension allows individuals to understand the content, and memorization skills aid in retaining and recalling important details when needed.

        Decision Making & Management Skills :

        1. Ability to walk away:
            Knowing when to walk away is crucial to avoid sunk cost fallacy. It prevents individuals from staying in unproductive or harmful environments.
          • Ability to manage time effectively:
              Time management is essential for productivity. Effectively allocating time to tasks ensures that important responsibilities are addressed, contributing to overall efficiency and goal achievement.
            • Ability to stay positive and optimistic:
                 A positive and optimistic mindset contributes to resilience. It helps individuals navigate challenges with a hopeful outlook, fostering mental and emotional well-being even in the face of difficulties.
              • Ability to make decisions based on facts not based on emotions:
                  Relying on facts over emotions promotes objective decision-making. It allows individuals to make rational choices, particularly in situations where emotions may cloud judgment.
                • Ability to keep trying even after failure:
                    The ability to persevere after failure is key to achieving long-term goals. It builds resilience, fosters a growth mindset, and often leads to eventual success through learning from setbacks.
                  • Ability to do things irrespective of the situation:
                      Doing things irrespective of the situation highlights adaptability. A capacity to move forward and take action despite external circumstances, promoting a proactive and solution-oriented approach.
                    • Ability to remain consistent:
                        Consistency is crucial for building trust and reliability. It establishes a pattern of behaviour that others can depend on, whether in personal relationships or professional endeavours.
                      • Ability to ask for help:
                          Seeking help when needed demonstrates a willingness to collaborate and recognize one’s limitations. It fosters a supportive environment and contributes to personal and collective growth.

                        Growth Skills:

                        1. Ability to self-analysis:
                          Self-analysis aids in decision-making by allowing individuals to consider their motivations, and priorities. It helps in making or adjusting choices to align with personal goals and values.
                        2. Ability to learn how to learn:
                          The ability to learn how to learn, also known as metacognition, is crucial in a rapidly changing world. It involves understanding one’s learning process and adapting learning strategies based on the context. This adaptability is vital for staying relevant and effective in various fields.
                        3. Ability to invest money on oneself:
                          Investing money in oneself and allocation resources towards personal development, education, skills enhancement, and overall well-being. This form of investment is centered on the idea that spending money on activities or opportunities that contribute to individual growth and advancement can yield long-term benefits.

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                        Abdallah Alaili

                        I'm a serial entrepreneur (mostly tech) and micro-investor (tiny), this is a blog to learn from other entrepreneurs and spread the wisdom to many more. You can find me on: Instagram - Twitter - Linkedin - more about me