
Benchmarking – Explained in simple terms

Benchmarking is a process that involves comparing a company’s performance or practices against those of its competitors or peers in the same industry. The goal of benchmarking is to find areas where a company is doing well, as well as areas where it could improve, by learning from the practices of other successful companies.

There are a few different types of benchmarking, but they all involve identifying key performance indicators (KPIs) that are important to a company’s success, such as customer satisfaction or employee productivity. Once these KPIs have been identified, data is collected from a variety of sources, such as customer surveys or industry reports, to compare a company’s performance against that of others in the same industry.

The benefits of benchmarking include increased efficiency, competitiveness, and customer satisfaction. However, the process can be time-consuming and costly, and it may not always yield clear or actionable results. To be effective, benchmarking should be seen as a long-term process that involves a commitment to continuous improvement and learning.

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