
C2C – Consumer-to-consumer – Definition & Meaning

Consumer-to-consumer (C2C) refers to transactions that take place between individuals, rather than between a business and a consumer. This can include buying and selling goods and services online, such as through online marketplaces like eBay and Craigslist, or through social media platforms like Facebook Marketplace.

In C2C e-commerce, individuals act as both buyers and sellers, allowing them to purchase items from or sell items to other individuals directly. This can include a wide range of products and services, from clothing and electronics, to handmade crafts and services such as dog-walking or tutoring. The transactions take place in a peer-to-peer fashion without intermediaries, although some platforms may facilitate the payment, delivery and provide some kind of customer service.

C2C e-commerce can offer many benefits such as:

  • It can provide a cost-effective way for individuals to buy and sell goods and services.
  • It can help to connect buyers and sellers who might not have been able to find each other through traditional retail channels.
  • It can also give a platform for small businesses and independent sellers to reach a wider market.
  • It also can help to reduce waste, as C2C platforms can give new life to items that are no longer needed or wanted by their original owners.

However, C2C e-commerce can also have some drawbacks such as lack of customer protection, quality assurance, and authentication of the parties involved in the transaction. In addition, some platforms and payment methods may have fees, which can cut into the profits of the sellers, and buyers may have difficulty getting their money back if the item is not as described.

Key points about C2C e-commerce.

  • C2C e-commerce can take place through various online platforms, including online marketplaces like eBay, Craigslist, and Facebook Marketplace, as well as through social media platforms like Instagram and WhatsApp. Some platforms, like Airbnb and Uber, provide platforms for consumers to share services, rather than goods.
  • C2C e-commerce can be a cost-effective option for both buyers and sellers. For buyers, it can provide a way to purchase items at lower prices than they would pay in a traditional retail store. For sellers, it can provide a way to make money by selling items they no longer need or use.
  • C2C e-commerce can also help to reduce waste, as it allows people to buy and sell items that are no longer needed or wanted by their original owners.
  • C2C e-commerce can also provide opportunities for small businesses and independent sellers to reach a wider market, and to sell items that may not be carried by traditional retailers.
  • However, there are also some potential downsides to C2C e-commerce. For example, buyers may have difficulty getting their money back if the item is not as described, or if the seller fails to deliver the item. Additionally, some platforms may have fees that can eat into the profits of sellers, and sellers may have to deal with issues related to shipping and handling.
  • Additionally, C2C e-commerce can pose some risk for both buyers and sellers, as the transactions are based on trust and may not have the same level of consumer protection, quality assurance, and authentication as a business to consumer (B2C) transaction.
  • As a result, many C2C platforms have implemented features such as buyer and seller ratings, dispute resolution mechanisms, payment protection, and fraud detection systems to increase the safety and security of transactions.

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