It’s important to realize that brand is much more than a logo and slogan. – Joanna McFarland
Full quote context:
It’s important to realize that brand is much more than a logo and slogan. A brand is who your company is: how you function and make decisions.” – Joanna McFarland, Co-founder of HopSkipDrive
Brand and branding is a complex subject, it is a mixture of marketing, advertising, content, videos, etc … But for argument sake we are going to assume that the quote author meant all that when she said logo and slogan.
It’s important to realize that brand is much more than a logo and slogan.
– Joanna McFarland
My Opinion:
I think that the full quote is kindof wrong, first there is a mix between company culture and company brand.
A company brand is how the company wants to be seen by the customer, a company culture is how a company functions and make decision.
The valid question, is culture part of branding ? In my opinion, not really. It is very rare to find companies where the customer is interested in knowing the decision process. In startups, company culture is important, but is is so mostly for employees, not consumers / customers.