Entrepreneur Post

The whole secret of a successful life is to find out what is one’s destiny to do, and then do it. – Henry Ford

Another quote by the father of the assembly line. Henry Ford is one of the biggest entrepreneurs, his view of success are similar to the quote i wrote about earlier : Everyone has the potential to be great, if they believe it.

The whole secret of a successful life is to find out what is one’s destiny to do, and then do it.

– Henry Ford

Let’s split the quote:

The whole secret of a successful life: Means having a successful life is within the grasp of everyone.
is to find out what is one’s destiny to do: This one is a bit tough to explain, what is destiny, and how to find one’s destiny?
and then do it: no objection about that, once you have an idea that needs execution, do it is the best advice.

My analysis:
This quote is a bit vague. Obviously if a person knows what his destiny to do then he would do it.
This is the type of sayings you say in retrospect, looking forward no one can be sure that a specific project is one’s destiny.
Now, if the quote was changed a bit, it would have made more sense and been more logical.
If up to me i would change this quote to:

The whole secret of a successful life is to find what you think is your destiny to do, and then do it.

My modification, would keep the same meaning, but render the saying more logical, looking forward. From this perspective the meaning becomes.
Find what you think is your destiny, it can be something you like doing, or you feel you should do ,and do it.

Why is this the secret to a successful life ?
Because a successful life, is a life that make you feel happy, or proud, or satisfied or any combination of these and other positive emotions.
Doing something that you love, or something that you feel that should do, gives you this satisfaction.
Financial wise, often doing something you love also leads to financial success.

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